Book Design + Art Direction
In her younger years, Natalie’s artistic nature and preoccupation with the printed word sadly precluded her from other pursuits, such as high school popularity and good hair. It did, however, lead her to art school, where she over-kerned and under-slept. She was then lured into the world of publishing, where these proclivities are put to good use for an array of clients.
She started a company in 2007 called Kisscut Design (having nothing to do with canoodling or sharp-edged tools), and has since gone on to receive her fair share of acknowledgement, by way of high-fives, gifted bottles of scotch, and some awards.
During the slow summer months of 2015, Natalie started a press with her favourite writer. The inaugural Hingston & Olsen project, The Short Story Advent Calendar, just hit its tenth anniversary and has included work from over 200 of her other favourite writers.
She’s known for her coffee-fuelled close-reads of manuscripts and engaging with content to produce clever covers and sexy TOCs. (She also has a keen eye and is going to ask you if you meant to spell it “fuelled” or “fueled.”) She is accepting new freelance contracts on a limited basis — reach out if you are also unconventional, collaborative, and over-eager to hyphenate.